Digital accessibility: the foundations
A short digital learning module designed to introduce the UK public sector regulations, global standards, and college responsibilities for digital accessibility.
About the module
In today's digital world, accessibility is not just a legal requirement but also a moral duty. Ensuring that digital content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is essential for creating an inclusive environment. Failure to comply with accessibility requirements can result in significant financial and reputational consequences.
This module aims to equip staff with an understanding of how digital accessibility impacts the organisation, influences daily work tasks, and affects colleagues and students. It has been made available to download and host in your own VLE.
The module is free of charge to eligible Jisc member organisations.
Find out more about our digital learning modules and what they have to offer your organisation.
Request to download the module.
What staff will learn
By completing this module, individuals will:
- understand why digital accessibility matters and its benefits
- gain a basic awareness of the organisation's legal obligations
- discover how digital accessibility applies to daily work and the roles within the organisation
Who should access the module
This digital learning module is designed for all staff members. Everyone has a responsibility to create digitally accessible content and contribute to meeting compliance standards.
Module outline
- Defining digital accessibility: what it means and why it’s crucial
- UK regulations and standards: an overview of the legal requirements
- Roles and responsibilities: understanding who is involved in ensuring compliance
Benefits of deploying the module
- Increase and enhanced awareness of digital accessibility and its importance, across the organisation
- Ensure staff know about your organisation’s legal obligations and the repercussions of non-compliance
- Foster an inclusive environment by promoting accessibility principles in daily working practices
Contact us
For more information, email or phone 01235 822242.