Domain registry

We manage the domain and our 'whois' service provides information relating to names registered.

Jisc members and approved registrars can request new domains and modify or renew existing domains via our domain registry portal.

We have been responsible for the administration and registration of domain names under since 1996.

For new Jisc members who require a domain name, your primary domain name is now within the Jisc cost sharing group so if your organisation is part of the group you can save VAT on this.

For each subsequent domain there is a charge to cover the administration of the service.

Approved registrars can register domains that they host on behalf of members not connected to the Janet Network, including alternative providers registered with OfS.

As of 26th June 2024, Jisc no longer manage the name space.  

However, we will continue to act as a registrar for select customers.   

If Jisc are your registrar or if you would like to use our registrar service, please contact us via or 0300 300 2212 for further support.

In 2015 launched and we provide administration and technical support to the Scottish government for this new second level domain. and

In 2015 and launched and we provide administration and technical support to the Welsh government for this new second level domain.

All requests must be submitted through approved registrars. Read eligibility guidelines.

Log in to the domain registry service


Please note that requests for a domain can only be accepted from an approved registrar unless the request is from an organisation that is currently connected to the Janet Network. Use the domain registry portal (email to gain access).

Alternative providers

The application process for alternative providers is different to those connected to the Janet Network.

Here's an example scenario:

Business University Limited is a for-profit provider of higher education. They have a permanent physical presence in the UK, with the core purpose of providing high-quality higher education. They recently received course-level designation for a BSc (Hons) in business management for the purpose of student support and they are on the register of designated higher education providers held by the Office for Students (OfS).

They applied to Example Registrar Ltd (a commercial ISP who has already registered with Jisc) for the domain name They provided details to them of precisely how their name met the Jisc eligibility policy, together with the relevant fees for application and any other appropriate web hosting charges.

Jisc’s naming committee approved the application and Business University Limited migrated to the new domain.

Approved registrars can register domains that they host on behalf of non-Jisc members. See the charges section for details of the cost.


Primary domain names 

For new Jisc members who require a new domain name there is a charge of £100. From 1 August 2019, the primary domain name is in the cost sharing group and organisations who are in the group will have the opportunity to save VAT on this purchase.

The cost of the renewal of each domain name is £25 per annum. For members of the cost sharing group, this is disclosed separately for invoicing purposes but charged with the members’ annual subscription charge.

Subsequent domains

Each subsequent domain is £100 + VAT. The domains are valid for two years and renewed automatically by the domain registry team. The charge for these renewals will be part of your annual subscription. 

Non-Jisc members pay £100 + VAT for a new registration and £50 + VAT for renewals every two years, should the domain still be considered eligible., and

Approved registrars can register, and domains on behalf of non-Jisc members such as parish councils. We charge registrars for new domain names and then a renewal fee every two years.

The cost from Jisc for a new domain name is £100 + VAT. The renewal fee every two years is £50 + VAT.

(A registrar may have their own additional administration fees which are passed onto the domain registrant)

Service level description

A DNS service covering the primary and secondary nameservers for DNS names under (this is the delegated country code Second Level Domain service - ccSLD).

This service also provides a 'whois' service that provides additional information relating to allocations of names registered

Additionally, the service provides the administration for the urn:macc:ac:uk namespace (Uniform Resource Name Middleware Architecture Committee for Education). URN allocations are made within this namespace and are capable of being resolved to obtain the document or specification that it identifies.

It also operates, and

Hours of service

The second level domain nameserver service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year. The associated registration services are available during the business day as defined in SLD definitions.

Target availability

The target availability is 100% measured monthly over a 12-month period. Changes in the domain will be reflected in the whois database within 24 hours of publication in the DNS.

Fault management

Faults with the service may be reported via the service desk on tel: 0300 300 2212 or via email:


The service comprises multiple servers which replicate the service.


Organisations must ensure they understand and adhere to the security policy.

Your responsibilities

You are responsible for providing all relevant information requested by Jisc to enable the processing of the application for a new, modification or removal of a delegation.


This service is centrally-funded for the first domain name requested by organisations connected to the Janet Network.

Any subsequent domain name will be charged for.

There will be no ongoing maintenance charge provided you remain connected to the Janet Network.

The URN registration service is centrally-funded.

Request for service

You can request this service via the service desk on tel: 0300 300 2212 or via email:

Service delivery time

New DNS name registration requests will be either approved or rejected within five business days from the receipt of all necessary information and payment when applicable.

New DNS delegations (when approved), modifications and removals will be implemented in the DNS within five business days from the receipt of all necessary information and payment when applicable.

New URN registration requests for middleware applications and projects relating to education will be processed within ten business days of receipt of all necessary information.

Terms and conditions

Please ensure your organisation understands and adheres to the terms and conditions


If you are experiencing an issue with the service, and wish to escalate the issue please contact us via the service desk on Tel: 0300 300 2212 or via email:

Technical section

This service supports IPv4 and IPv6.

Four of the seven servers providing this service are located across the Janet Network. The remaining three are located in other countries.

ISO certification

This service is included within the scope of our ISO9001 and ISO27001 certificates.

Read more about International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards and view Jisc certificates.

ISO 9001-2015 UKAS logo

ISO/IEC 27001/UKAS logo