Digital technologies for teaching and learning and VLE design group

Connecting FE, HE and new educational practitioners, to share experiences, discussion and resources.

Hosted by Bradford College

Anyone who teaches in FE or HE

Regular meetings on Teams

About the community

Since the pandemic, digital technologies and having an accessible online VLE design has become even more of an essential teaching tool and platform. Staff members have had to upskill to improve their own digital fluency skills, to manage teaching and learning and embrace the world of new digital technology.

This community group is for anyone who is motivated to learn more about enhancing their teaching and learning techniques. Also, to look at ways in improving their online VLE design so that students have easy access to online resources and embed blended and flip learning models in their lessons.

If you are constantly upskilling your own digital skills to accelerate students' learning, then this forum is for you. Join us to share ideas and resources.

Project information

Students across the globe have participated in an ESOL global learning project, which allows three colleges to work together and take advantage of the amazing opportunities this affords.

Students from Bradford College ESOL 16-18 (UK), Cardiff and Vale College (Wales), and Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. P. Stalmacha (Poland) joined forces to participate in this project. The six sessions designed for the global learning curriculum combined the hybrid model, flip learning and both online and face-to-face learning.

All sessions were set on Microsoft Teams to give students around the world access to a high standard of teaching and learning, online resources, use of digital tools and apps and an opportunity to cooperate and communicate via break out rooms on Teams.

Find out more about the ESOL global learning project.

Who should join?

Anyone with a teaching role in FE or HE can join the group.

How to join

The group will be using Microsoft Teams to host webinars, meetings and facilitate the ongoing conversation.

Join the community group