Digital transformation in higher education working group
A senior leaders working group for sharing practice on how higher education providers are taking forward digital transformation within their organisation.
Facilitated by Jisc
A closed group for senior leaders working in higher education (HE)
Teams and JiscMail list
About the community
This community has arisen from our senior leaders digital transformation working group who contributed to the co-design of our framework and maturity model for digital transformation. It continues to feed in to the development of this area of work and facilitates the sharing of practice nationally and internationally around digital transformation.
The community schedules online webinars throughout the year and four demonstrating digital transformation events per year.
Who should join?
This a closed community available to senior leaders with responsibility for taking forward digital transformation within their university, including senior executive/director roles in learning and teaching, research and innovation, digital and IT services, libraries, estates and facilities management, registry and data management.