Our priorities for Scotland 2024-25

We aim to strengthen collaboration, support digital transformation, and infrastructure and build digital capabilities.

Priority one: strengthening stakeholder collaboration

Strengthen relationships with key sector bodies such as Scottish Government, Scottish Funding Council, Universities Scotland, Colleges Scotland, College Development Network, Qualifications Scotland, Education Scotland, sparqs, The Data Lab and Skills Development Scotland, ensuring coherent support for data, digital and technology in Scottish tertiary education.

What good looks like:

  • Regular inter-agency communications to coordinate work and promote collaboration, leading to memoranda of understanding with key agencies
  • Increased awareness and perception of value of Jisc in Scotland at all levels
  • Increased attendance at the National Engagement Forum with a high level of engagement and satisfaction reported through evaluation

Priority two: supporting digital transformation in Scotland

Enabling all members in Scotland to demonstrate an improvement plan based on engagement with the Jisc digital elevation tool or maturity model.

What good looks like:

  • Increased college engagement with the digital elevation tool
  • Increased university engagement with the digital maturity model
  • Members report satisfaction in facilitated use of the quality tools, through both proactive and responsive support

Priority three: supporting digital infrastructure and systems review

Contribute to Scottish sector strategy on infrastructure and systems through the college infrastructure strategy implementation, the national digital strategy implementation, and through funder, community and member engagement.

What good looks like:

  • Substantial and valued contribution to the implementation of the college infrastructure strategy
  • Support the national digital strategy implementation plan on digital infrastructure and systems review

Priority four: building Scotland’s tertiary digital capability

Members in Scotland will report increased take-up and use of Jisc’s digital capability tools and associated advice and guidance.

What good looks like:

  • Increased take-up and use of the building digital capability discovery tool
  • Provision of support to build AI capability for tertiary sector staff
  • Delivery of the Inside Sessions programme of staff development in collaboration with College Development Network

Priority five: enhancing community engagement

Develop Jisc’s role as a sector leader in bringing together relevant role groups to enhance data, digital and technology in Scotland.

What good looks like:

  • Impactful contribution to relevant existing sector groups, such as HEIDS, SCIL, CILIPS and ALT Scotland
  • Establishment of a Scottish Jisc college IT forum
  • Regular community and cross-sector use of the Jisc Innovation hub at the University of Stirling
  • Impactful contribution to relevant CDN networks, including digital transformation, quality, VPs and Library